潜在意識で恋愛成就 PR

If there’s a handsome change of perception ♡ “all, there is” then there’s also “finally a world in love with him!”


Hello, this is Meguru.

I have been telling you in the Home♡Ren

"Because I think so, I become so."
"I think I'm in love with him, so I'm in love with him."

I often say this, "The moment I think it, it comes true".

Isn't that impossible?
I don't see him in front of me.
Or, we've already broken up.
And I haven't heard from him since.
More to the point, I even have a new girlfriend.
In this situation...
How can you say, "It came true!" I'm furious!

Yes, I am.
But it has come true.

She just can't see it because she's integrated with her ego.

Seriously, idiot.
That's why I think the "spiritual" type is so fishy.

Yes, I know.
But, it's coming true, isn't it? Sorry.

This time, I would like to talk about "everything is there," or "everything is coming true," which may help you get a sense of it, even if you are full of ego and covered with ego.

Without "all there is," "all there is not" is invisible.

Zenbu, aru" literally means that everything is there.
First of all, please input, "There is only "there.
Because without "there is," "not there" cannot even be recognized as "not there.

If there is no coffee tree in the world, therefore no beans, therefore no knowledge of roasting or grinding beans, therefore no experience of drinking coffee, then coffee itself is "not there. It is unrecognizable. Because there is no "there.

If there is no "there," "no" cannot even create the illusion of "no."

Everything is there. So why is there "nothing"?

It is because it is united with the ego, which is always denying what is.

I broke up with him.
Since it would be unreasonable to start doubting from the beginning (although it is really okay to start doubting from the beginning), let's assume that there was an event called "I broke up with him.

In "reality," you broke up with him (he is gone = not there)
In "thoughts," you are in love with him (he is there = yes)

(He is there = Yes).

This is the exact opposite.
I'm trying to be consistent, so I'm going to have to do a lot of work. ......

But in the end, this is just a matter of being in love with him.
I can see the world where I'm in love with him.
I can see the world in which I am in love with him, so I can see the world in which I am separated from him.
I can see the world without him.

I don't know. So you were always in love with him?

That's right.
That's a very important point.
That's right.
The truth is, I was in love with him all along.

What if I'm just staring at a "no" illusion?

Huh? We're broken up. He told me in no uncertain terms, "You can't do it!"

Yes, I can. I can deny the "all there is" of "I'm happy and in love with him.

That's the reason why

He's cold.
I can't do it anymore because he has a girlfriend.

Or, anyway, it appears as a sense of "not there, not there, not there" for you.
It is also called a sense of lack, isn't it?

It doesn't work.
I can't make it happen.
I can't see him.

There are an inexhaustible number of factors that negate "I'm happy and in love with my boyfriend.
It's strange, isn't it?

You deny "I'm happy and in love with him" as soon as you see it.
I'm in love with him and happy.

What is it really?

If you assume that "everything is there," then "nothing is there" is an impossible lie.

Let's go a little further. What if "nothing" is literally "nothing" in the first place?

Everything exists.
What if it is only because everything exists that we are able to see "nothing"?

What if "everything exists" is the default?
What is the existence of "nothing"?

The existence of "not there" is "not there.
It's an illusion.

I, who am breaking up with him.
I, who can't make it work.
I, who cry because it hasn't come true.
I who have nothing but despair

What if all of this is a lie?
It can't be a lie, can it?
In fact, we are broken up.

But what if it's all a lie? ......

I want you to consider the margins.

Meguru thinks it's a lie.
This, that, and that, which are realistic, are not lies, right?
No, I think it is a lie.
I would even go so far as to say that the more realistic something is, the more it is a lie.

Because the ego is using that reality as a basis to say, "Look, I haven't heard from you.

"Look, I haven't heard from you!
Look, I haven't heard from you!"
Look! I got a girlfriend."
"Look, look, we're moving in together!"

And so on and so forth, right?

In fact, you have lost touch with him, he hasn't contacted you, he has a girlfriend, and it looks like they are going to live together.

But what if that itself is an illusion?

Because if you assume that "everything is there," then "nothing is there" is an impossible lie, isn't it?
The ego is the one that is working hard to create that impossible lie, isn't it?

The proof that it has come true is in the "thought" inside you!

But in fact, I can't see it.
No is "not", it's "there"!
If it doesn't come true in reality, what's the point!

So I want you to see through that ego lie.

Or to put it another way.
If the default world is "I am happy and in love with him," and the real world is a distorted world where the ego is united with the real world and is rolling in the wrong direction, then it would be too pointless to look for evidence in reality.

Then where is the proof?
It's only in yourself.

What is the purpose of deciding your "feelings"?
Isn't the thought, "I'm happy and in love with him," the proof?

Is the thought, "I am happy and in love with him," a lie?
Can it be a lie?
Is the fantasy of "I'm not doing well," which is becoming more and more realistic and becoming more and more integrated into the reality of that stupid ego, the real thing?
Do you want to make it real?
Are you okay with that?

Are you really okay with that?
"It's great if you can make it work. Are you really okay with that?

It's time to realize that.
It's all there.
It's all there.
It is because it is there that we can see what is not there.
It is because it is there that we can deny it and make it not there.
Then, why do we need "no" at all?
Just "Yes" is enough, right?

But the ego is still possessed, so it whispers, "Meguru, you're in trouble.
"Meguru, I'm in trouble. Your head is in trouble. In fact, we've already broken up.
You can't hear me. You can't see me.

So, I listened to every single one of them.
But from today, from now on, all you have to do is look at "Zenbu, Aru.

I am happy and in love with him" is already there.
That "thought" is the only proof.

I think this is the change of perception in reconciliation and in love.


There is no need to be consistent with reality at all! There is also a handsome video that says

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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